Our Goal: Reduce ACL Injuries

融合 Ortho patient Bri WestACL患病率

We have seen a high prevalence of ACL injuries in athletes of all ages. Although this impacts all athletes, we have seen a higher rate of injury in our youth. Athletes between the ages of 15-25 who are playing a competitive sport are at the greatest risk of injury. Female high school athletes had a nine-fold increase injury risk and five-fold in collegiate sports [1], and those who competed at a higher level of play had a five times higher risk than their male counterpart [2].


The primary reason for this injury is faulty mechanics during dynamic movement and lack of strength training of the muscles surrounding the knee. Certain movements and motions apply direct stress at the knee.

Torn ACL Diagram

ACL injuries may:

  • Require surgical repair
  • Lead to the development of arthritis
  • Put the athlete at high risk of ACL re-injury
融合 运动医学 Therapy Rehab

Our Prevention Program

We have developed a program that includes a variety of different exercises, which have shown a great incidence of decreasing injury risk.

  • Plyometrics: focuses on proper technique and body mechanics
  • Neuromuscular Training: improves the ability to generate optimal muscle firing patterns, which includes balance exercises to improve postural control
  • Strength Training: proven to be most effective in decreasing ACL injuries



If you are interested in learning more about our ACL损伤 Prevention Program, please contact us at 740-689-4935. If you would like for one of our team members to speak with your team or athletic group about the ACL的预防 Program, call 740-689-4935.

Start Your Journey

Let us know how we can help you or your family member take the next steps toward better health and wellness.

  1. National Collegiate Athletic Association . NCAA injury surveillance system summary. Indianapolis: National Collegiate Athletic Association; 2002.  [谷歌学者]
  2. Johnsen M, Guddal M, Smastuen M, et al. Sport participation and the risk of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in adolescents: a population-based prospective cohort study (The Young-HUNT Study) Am J Sport Med. 2016;44:2917–2924. doi: 10.1177/0363546516643807. [PubMed] [CrossRef] [谷歌学者]